- Winamp Silent Install
- Install Winamp For Windows 10
- Winscp Silent Install Powershell
- Winscp Silent Install Sccm
- Winamp Silent Installation
- Winamp Silent Installer
Winamp Silent Install
Install Winamp For Windows 10
Winscp Silent Install Powershell
Winscp Silent Install Sccm
- Fullscreen background(2 replies)
- New user question(3 replies)
- nsis using external file to unpack archives(3 replies)
- Varying the MUI2 Pages based on OS Version(7 replies)
- How do I retrieve that last checkbox that was checked?(2 replies)
- Change page header bitmap(1 replies)
- Creating dynamic sections(12 replies)
- UAC popup says 'Publisher: Unknown'(0 replies)
- Write registry key to HKEY_CURRNET_USER from RunAs Admin installer(8 replies)
- Not install portions of a section?(3 replies)
- SysLink control(3 replies)
- creating shortcuts(1 replies)
- Moves all directories only(11 replies)
- nsRichEdit plug-in(4 replies)
- Using NSIS for MS Excel Add-Ins Installation(2 replies)
- Defrag from NSIS(0 replies)
- MUI2 features needed for Vista/Windows 7(4 replies)
- UAC and launching an exe on Finish(17 replies)
- proper 64-bit and 32-bit handling?(3 replies)
- Windows 7 Uninstall Registry Entries(2 replies)
- Installer Conditional Issue(1 replies)
- how to install to a specific dir(1 replies)
- Relative path question (Resolved)(5 replies)
- Multiple InstallOptions DirRequests(13 replies)
- Files in Use Check - Network(0 replies)
- tell NSIS to download a file(2 replies)
- NSIS Message Box Title, can be changed?(10 replies)
- The software can't be installed properly(1 replies)
- MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP bmp_file question(0 replies)
- Fast and versatile recompilation process(7 replies)
- custom page(3 replies)
- Need help with GetLastInputInfo via System Plugin(7 replies)
- Force dialog at the top(3 replies)
- Visual Custom Installer(1 replies)
- Uninstall Files from different location(8 replies)
- I just want to copy fileS(7 replies)
- Solaris SPARC support(1 replies)
- SetFileOwner(4 replies)
- Installer within an Installer(0 replies)
- Adding program to windows startup(1 replies)
- one file bundle(6 replies)
- Using System::Call to call OpenEvent(2 replies)
- Installer development using Windows 7(8 replies)
- custom localized string(7 replies)
- Hangs during nsDialogs timer execution(4 replies)
- empty MUI_PAGE_WELCOME(2 replies)
- Thanks for a great program.(0 replies)
- Send Outlook Mail from NSIS installer.(1 replies)
- Problem with path when building on Windows 7, 64 bit(4 replies)
- using ReserveFile for exe files => they are not valid Win32 any more(1 replies)
- NSIS Command Highlighter(8 replies)
- Problem creating a droplist(12 replies)
- NSIS newb - using sdbinst and exec, UAC problem, maybe?(2 replies)
- default text in textbox, droplist(2 replies)
- CMD / BAT / EXE Output in active Window(13 replies)
- MUI + InstType and silent install(1 replies)
- inetc + unsis = troubles with encodings(2 replies)
- NSI Scripts(4 replies)
- MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN question(5 replies)
- Leaving files outside outfile(2 replies)
- Failing to run Java Application with 64 bit Java(0 replies)
- Install application in multiple languages(5 replies)
- Paid work opportunity(2 replies)
- Multi user install issues(5 replies)
- NSIS freelancer needed(2 replies)
- NSIS Kill all users Processes(5 replies)
- RunAsAdmin(6 replies)
- Need help with execution status(1 replies)
- How to detect if a Text field is filled(8 replies)
- A message box after PAGE_INSTFILES completed(9 replies)
- I want to know whether a particualar exe is run by a nother user.(0 replies)
- Recuperer une valeur de vbscript à nsis(15 replies)
- Problem with uninstaller (removing itself)(1 replies)
- Custom Messagebox(11 replies)
- A problem when deleting a folder(2 replies)
- 1.4 Unicode installers(3 replies)
- I want to add automatic JRE Installation during installing my exe file(1 replies)
- How'd I know who is holding the folder?(1 replies)
- A question regarding double quote(4 replies)
- problem with Custom UI from a tutorial(2 replies)
- NSIS Help(3 replies)
- nsDialogs(1 replies)
- Regex(2 replies)
- write path into ini(5 replies)
- [Page] Allow user to enter URL or choose default(3 replies)
- ProgressBar with silent silentMod(3 replies)
- vcredist sometimes hangs or loops on Windows 7(6 replies)
- packaging executables with NSIS(2 replies)
- listbox hscrollbar(2 replies)
- Help needed: Return Error Code to batch from NSIS Installer(2 replies)
- Custom page text field question(1 replies)
- How to call .exe file rather than compressing it in installer(2 replies)
- Adding invalid folders in the directory page(0 replies)
- Argument Passing to nsi file(2 replies)
- finishpage cancel button not funtioning(7 replies)
- DeleteRegValue not working(2 replies)
- Question about getting values from custom pages(2 replies)
- drag and drop of file(5 replies)
- having trouble adding custom pages to uninstaller(3 replies)
- Help move is happening before install completes(1 replies)
- Plugin not working properly when compiled with makensis (console compiler)(8 replies)
- Error 998 Invalid Access Memory Location(1 replies)
- Prerequisites page? [With mockup](6 replies)
- how to concatenate a variable with a macro?(1 replies)
- Programmatically abort installation(5 replies)
- Dynamic Radio Buttons in InstallOptions(3 replies)
- Very Newbie question.(0 replies)
- IIS App Pool Recycle(2 replies)
- Avoiding the use of 'RMDir /r @INSTDIR'(1 replies)
- Wansis and StartMenuPage(0 replies)
- Writing to HKLM on 64bit OS(2 replies)
- Hotkey Function Request(10 replies)
- Trying to convert to UMUI(3 replies)
- Check for windows 7 specific version and bits(6 replies)
- A question regarding !if(2 replies)
- Is it possible to call a function outside a section?(2 replies)
- Use variables outside the package ?(7 replies)
- Help view(0 replies)
- NSIS Plugin documentation(5 replies)
- How to use instfiles?(4 replies)
- UAC: CreateShortcut not created in user directory(3 replies)
- A question regarding passing a string to a dll(2 replies)
- Prerequisites(1 replies)
- plugin written in assembly(2 replies)
- UAC plugin: strange behaviour when UAC is off and installer is run from browser(4 replies)
- How to call NSIS function from plugin via ExecuteCodeSegment(16 replies)
- Jumping Window(1 replies)
- Disable UAC(9 replies)
- Weak performance(3 replies)
- Large strings build only supports 1024 characters?(2 replies)
- Installer Distribution.(4 replies)
- simple installer with MUI2 - some questions(14 replies)
- Cannot disable whole FileRequest control(5 replies)
- String merge question?(3 replies)
- Uninstall icon in Start Menu isn't shown(32 replies)
- admin right to set up(16 replies)
- Windows 7 font problem(1 replies)
- Large Header/Welcome Bitmap(9 replies)
- WordReplace on quotes(1 replies)
- Look for Files containing a certain Word, and if they do, remove them?(2 replies)
- Code Architecture(6 replies)
- building NSIS on CentOS5-64bit fails.(2 replies)
- Delete Files System32(13 replies)
- nsis script(0 replies)
- Adding Button on Cutom Page(13 replies)
- Install IIS Virtual directory/application(0 replies)
- Wow6432Node Issue(3 replies)
- Silent Installation with ProgressBar(1 replies)
- $(^Name) in Product Name(1 replies)
- AllUsers/CurrentUser install without elevation(3 replies)
- A problem with deleting two folders in a row(0 replies)
- strcpy $INSTDIR(4 replies)
- Updated Docs(3 replies)
- How to use DetailPrint?(4 replies)
- how to detect device in PCI slot?(2 replies)
- Edit Batch file before executing(4 replies)
- office 2003 service pack(7 replies)
- Write data from VB Textbox to File.txt(3 replies)
- Where is $INSTDIR defined?(2 replies)
- runing a silent installation with file to answer(7 replies)
- Changing directory to call an executable?(7 replies)
- A question regarding rmdir(3 replies)
- Disable the run app checkbox on MUI_FINISHPAGE(5 replies)
- runing setup.exe(1 replies)
- Check if a textbox is empty(2 replies)
- Negative UDM_SETRANGE when using ${NSD_CreateUpDown}?(4 replies)
- A question regarding $PROGRAMFILES(5 replies)
- The usage of macro(4 replies)
- how do I hide the Hardware found wizard?(6 replies)
- File command(5 replies)
- Choose between two directories(7 replies)
- Permissioning issues with Nsis Installer(11 replies)
- Problem about the constant '$PROFILE'(2 replies)
- Replace Browse For Folder dialog(2 replies)
- Chechbox after installation(1 replies)
- 'Error opening file for writing:'(4 replies)
- Remote installation using NSIS(1 replies)
- execution of the installation kit without GUI(6 replies)
- Uninstallation of files created by application activity(2 replies)
- Missing icon from shortcut(1 replies)
- comunication bteween .ini and .nsi(5 replies)
- [Request] HWInfo Plugin Unicode(1 replies)
- unknown variable/constant warning(1 replies)
- A question regarding the syntax how to call a function(2 replies)
- How to process when 'Cancel' is clicked on NSIS 2.45 MUI License Agreement Page(3 replies)
- MUI_HEADER_TEXT align text(1 replies)
- Wrong place of the shortcut under Windows 7 64-bit(19 replies)
- How to get file size of included files automatically(1 replies)
- nsis + avg anti-virus = :((7 replies)
- A question regarding File(1 replies)
- Windows Vista: functional installer manually but does not work with KiXtart(8 replies)
- ReplaceBetween: Replace text between two markers in a file 'Including Markers'(2 replies)
- Some Multilanguage Questions(3 replies)
- Stretched icon on desktop(3 replies)
- nsDialogs changing control size(2 replies)
- Problem building NSIS on Windows 7 64bit(12 replies)
- MUI Invalid Languge File English(7 replies)
- invalid languge file english.nlf(1 replies)
- In NSIS, the set up for uninstallation page must be called uninstall.ini?(2 replies)
- Help Button(21 replies)
- Executable fails after being zipped(1 replies)
- A question regarding MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_INITDIALOG(1 replies)
- Not all languages in language list(7 replies)
- Uninstall ProgressBar(4 replies)
- Change of header-text not applied in compoenents page(2 replies)
- How to use switch /sms?(32 replies)
- How to suppress restarting the computer in nsis?(7 replies)
- Issues with ListBox(10 replies)
- A question how to use ExecWait(1 replies)
- Register a DLL(2 replies)
- Plugin to Communicate to Server(3 replies)
- Where to check the meaning of ExitCode for ExecWait?(3 replies)
- NSIS Unix Epoch Time(2 replies)
- install in programx86 or programx64(4 replies)
- Another question regarding string manipulation(1 replies)
- NSIS Issue on Chinese windows XP / 7(1 replies)
- nsArray plug-in(43 replies)
- 2 NSIS questions(1 replies)
- CRCCheck Failure with uiAccess(10 replies)
- EclipseNSIS not working on Server 2008 64bit(1 replies)
- A question regarding FileSeek(5 replies)
- A question regarding string manipulation(2 replies)
- How to call a macro?(2 replies)
- How to check if it is a directory or a file?(11 replies)
- How to use logical or in NSIS?(2 replies)
- Uninstall Delete $SMPrograms failing(4 replies)
- What is Abort for?(1 replies)
- Stop Install files process and display finish page(6 replies)
- newbie tutorial(1 replies)
- User Name(3 replies)
- Display InstType Selection on seperate Page(1 replies)
- Select folders dialog with checkboxes(8 replies)
- Problem with UltraModernUI(4 replies)
- plugin parameters(6 replies)
- button event plugin not working for more than one button in mui nsis(12 replies)
- Modify Page directory(5 replies)
- ARP registry - quotes or no quotes(8 replies)
- Redirect RMDir/del output to Nxs popup dynamically?(2 replies)
- Decompressing Bug?(1 replies)
- call pre function of mui component page only when required(1 replies)
- Nsis stored procedure(4 replies)
- Universal 32 and 64-bit installers(5 replies)
- Pass command line argument to an exe in NSIS in compile time(3 replies)
- Driver Install(3 replies)
- New User VB6 question(1 replies)
- align column ListBox(2 replies)
- Detecting application when run by another user. FindWindow or...?(2 replies)
- fill textbox on button click in MUI Directory Page(2 replies)
- Code to install an application in user mode(Limited privilege)(11 replies)
- [Project structure] Howto NSIS Plugin Updater(3 replies)
Winamp Silent Installation
Winamp Silent Installer
Ninite Winamp Unattended Silent Installer and Updater. Please check your clock. This PC's clock appears to be set wrong. Please make sure both the year and date are correct. If the clock is wrong Ninite's. Then, to install the package completely silently, you would run: start /wait foo.exe /s /a /s /sms /f1c: temp foo.iss The first /s is only needed for a completely silent installation. If you leave it off, the PFTW package will show you a status bar as it extracts the InstallShield tree to the temporary directory.