MPCalc Plugin

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Travis-CI is a distributed CI server which buildstests for open source projects for free. It provides multiple workers to runPython tests on and seamlessly integrates with GitHub. You can even have itcomment on your Pull Requests whether this particular changeset breaks thebuild or not. So, if you are hosting your code on GitHub, Travis-CI is a greatand easy way to get started with Continuous Integration.

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Dx, dy = mpcalc. Latlongriddeltas (u. Y) div = mpcalc. Divergence (u, v, dx, dy) following @kgoebber but not sure if dx and dy are calculated properly, as the coordinates for u and v are slightly different. Besides, how to convert div back to xarray.DataArray. I have created an array of isobaric pressure levels to plot a cross section: vertical, = cross'isobaric'.metpy.coordinates('vertical') however, this array has values in units of Pa.

MPanel Pro is our core 3D form finding and 2D patterning software for tension fabric structures, working in AutoCAD. MPanel-R is the same product as MPanel above, except that it works inside Rhino 4 or 6.

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MPCalc Plugin

In order to get started, add a .travis.yml file to your repository withthis example content:

This will get your project tested on all the listed Python versions byrunning the given script, and will only build the master branch. There are alot more options you can enable, like notifications, before and after steps,and much more. The Travis-CI docsexplain all of these options, and are very thorough.

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In order to activate testing for your project, go to the Travis-CI siteand login with your GitHub account. Then activate your project in yourprofile settings and you’re ready to go. From now on, your project’s testswill be run on every push to GitHub.