Microsoft Word Package

Word processing and document creation program Word 2019 is a word processor developed by Microsoft. Word for Windows is part of the Microsoft 365 suite (formerly known as Office 365) but it can be downloaded independently. Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 2016. Create or view PowerPoint presentations with this up-to-date version of the popular software package.

UConn Students have three options to access or download Microsoft Office and Windows.

Microsoft Word Package

Please review the following information and select a download option that fits your role and requirements. If you need assistance determining your best option, contact the Technology Support Center.

Microsoft word package price

Microsoft Office from Office 365 for Home Use

Free for Students

Microsoft Office is available to current students to download for free while enrolled at UConn on up to five personal devices through Office 365.

Primary email address must be

Microsoft Windows for Home Use

Microsoft Word Package

Free for Students

Current students have access to Windows for use on their personal devices.

Use Your NetID to Log In

Microsoft Word Package

Launch Microsoft Office & Windows through UConn AnyWare

Free for Students

Students can access Microsoft Office and Windows through the virtual client UConn AnyWare.

The Microsoft Imagine program is now Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching.To access please visit use your UConn email account with NetID password.

Note: Once in Microsoft Azure, if you click around use the link above to be brought back to your available software list.

If you are unsure which option to choose, learn more below or contact the Technology Support Center.

Use Microsoft on a University-owned computer or device

Students can use Microsoft products in a

Microsoft Word Package 2010

computer lab on campus.

Microsoft Word Package For Windows 10

Check out the computer lab closest to you!