Atlassian Markdown

  1. Jira Markdown Table
  1. We are in 2015, now. Markdown support is ubiquitous on the web. It's everywhere. It's even the default markup language used by Stash. I also know that there are Confluence plugins to add Markdown support, but currently in the market place, only one of those plugins is.
  2. Use inline markdown text or a URL in the macro to display the content on your page Markdown Macro for Confluence Atlassian Marketplace We’re making changes to our server and Data Center products, including the end of server sales and support.
  3. Notation Comment #anchor ^attachment.ext Creates an internal hyperlink to the specified anchor or attachment. Appending the '#' sign followed by an anchor name will lead into a specific bookmarked point of the desired page.
  4. Markdown for Confluence Software project. Back to project. Resolved recently. Updated recently. (Bob Swift Atlassian Apps) Erik Saline. Pull markdown from git repo recursively to Confluence. Aravind Kashyap.

You're in a company-managed project. Markdown for Confluence. The numbering inside the Markdown macro is changing when there is an HTMl code inside the macro.

снижение цены; уценка; величина скидки с первоначальной цены

Patch cracks in concrete slab. Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.


Смотреть что такое 'markdown' в других словарях:

Jira markdown syntax
  • Markdown — is a lightweight markup language, originally created by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz allowing people to write using an easy to read, easy to write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML) .[1] The language takes… … Wikipedia

  • Markdown — (маркдаун) облегчённый язык разметки. Первоначально создан Джоном Грубером (англ. John Gruber) и Аароном Шварцем, целью которых являлось создание максимально удобочитаемого и удобного в публикации облегчённого языка разметки. Многие… … Википедия

  • Markdown — es un lenguaje de marcado ligero creado originalmente por John Gruber [1] y Aaron Swartz [2] que trata de conseguir la máxima legibilidad y publicabilidad tanto en sus forma de entrada como de salida, inspirándose muchas convenciones existentes… … Wikipedia Español

  • Markdown — ist eine vereinfachte Auszeichnungssprache, die von John Gruber und Aaron Swartz entworfen wurde. Ein Ziel von Markdown ist, dass schon die Ausgangsform ohne weitere Konvertierung leicht lesbar ist. Watch parasparam serial latest episode. Als Auszeichnungselemente wurden daher vor… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Markdown — est un langage de balisage léger créé par John Gruber et Aaron Swartz. Le but de la syntaxe Markdown est d offrir une syntaxe facile à lire et à écrire. C est à dire qu un document formaté selon Markdown devrait pouvoir être publié comme tel, en… … Wikipédia en Français

  • Markdown Rappelz booster quest. — Markdown refers to the amount of money that a buyer is given in order to mark down items to clear them out of their stock. Sometimes the buyer will ask the manufacturer for markdown money to clear out stock of that particular vendor s… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry

  • markdown — index discount, rebate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

  • markdown — ☆ markdown [märk′doun΄ ] n. 1. a marking for sale at a reduced price 2. the amount of reduction in price … English World dictionary

  • markdown — The amount subtracted from the selling price of securities when they are sold to a dealer in the OTC market. Also, the discounted price of municipal bonds after the market has shown little interest in the issue at the original price. Bloomberg… … Financial and business terms

  • markdown — mark|down [ˈma:kdaun US ˈma:rk ] n a reduction in the price of something markdown of ▪ a markdown of 15% … Dictionary of contemporary English

  • markdown — UK [ˈmɑː(r)kˌdaʊn] / US [ˈmɑrkˌdaʊn] noun [countable] Word forms markdown : singular markdown plural markdowns a reduction in the price of something … English dictionary



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Jira Markdown Table